Friday, June 10, 2005
Hillsong women - Vicky D'Orazio
I haven't been writing much about the teachings at Hillsong church for a while. In a way I'm busy, in another way I feel somehow a bit disconnected from the spirit. The teachings were good, I've got the notes, but I just wasn't touched or moved as much as I'd like to.
Yesterday it was different. The "Wow" factor came back to me. I loved it to bits. It was a message just for me. I expected early in the morning to hear a message just for me, and I got it.
Lucinda Dooley was the hostess. She has such an ability to define the colour of an atmosphere. She set the tone perfectly.
Vicky D'orazio was amazing. I can't remember I heard her before. Maybe I have. Her message was knowing who you are and free to be you.
She started with a little story of her own. She always had a loud voice. She served in her local church faithfully. She didn't get any chance of any leadership roles, but she was trusted to lead 4 praise songs before someone else led the worship songs. She did the praise lead for 10 years. Then one day a man came up telling her that she was screeching. That word really hurt her. She took that word in, and she made a decision to never again let anyone else saying that she's screeching. So she changed her tone of voice. She tried husky voice. After a while she's struggling with her voice problem. So she went to see a doctor. The doctor simply confronted her:"You are not using your natural pitch!"
She's now an international speaker. She knows that God called her to be a Jack hammer. But for years she tried her best to be a sweet nice quiet girl. And now people fly her around the world just to be loud.
In Matt16:13 Jesus asked the disciples who did they think he was. Some said he's Elijah, some said he's Moses... Although people has different opinions, He wasn't moved or affected by what they thought He was. He knew who He was. Simon had always been called and regarded as Simon, the meaning of the name being a reed, unstable. But Jesus renamed him Peter, meaning a rock. That revelation changed his life.
Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you." Before you were even created, you existed! Before you were formed, God already had a plan for your life. We can only discover ourselves in Him. People go to all kinds of strange places trying to find themselves... We listen so much to other people's voices, listen to the voices of our own insecurities,etc. rather than listen to God's voice to find out who we really are.
Discover Jesus, then you'll discover yourself, and your life will be transformed upon that revelation.
As seen by
Susan @ 11:43 AM
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