Sunday, June 05, 2005
Love others as yourself
Paul Scanlon from UK gave a message at Hillsong leadership vision night the week before last. The message kept coming back to me and I think there's a lot of truth in it. In our church the two greatest command has been shortened to the phrase, "Love God, love people". Yet Paul gave us the insight as to the key of the second greatest command:"My greatest gift to you is a healthy me, and your greatest gift to me is a healthy you." He said that by developing oneself you're giving the best of yourself to others. The second commandment is "love others as yourself." I used to be involved in counselling for a little while. The most unexpected factor I found is when I seek to help other people, I helped myself at the same time. When God gave me a word of wisdom, an insight to a situation concerning other people, that same knowledge, same insight helped me with my own situation.
So, it's not selfish to love yourself, because by loving yourself you're giving the best of yourself to others; and you're not losing anything by loving others, because by loving others you're loved at the same time.
As seen by
Susan @ 2:24 PM
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