Monday, August 28, 2006
Breastfed or bottle fed?
Breast fed babies are much healthier than bottle fed babies. Apart from the elements of nutrition, the breast fed babies are immune to a lot of the diseases. Babies that are fed cow's milk or formula are much prone to diseases and sicknesses. They get sick easily and more often.
I breastfed all my kids. They hardly get sick. In my memory they're only sent back from school or daycare like once or twice a year, while some other kids in daycare get sent back a lot more often.
One of God's name is El Shaddai. It means the breasted one. So that means, if we're drinking from God directly, if we have a Bible reading routine and daily devotion, we're then spiritually breast fed. And then we're spiritually immune!
Most babies(spiritually) these days are bottle fed. They go to church or some programes to get fed. Nutritionwise it's ok. We can still get satisfied and get fat. But something's lacking in "cow's milk"....the immune factor. We're prone to problems, troubles and attacks. We're much easier to get sick spiritually.
If we drink breast milk, directly from God, then a lot of the problems wouldn't even exist as we're immunised to them!
El shaddai also means Almighty. If we're breast fed, then we're to experience God's almighty power in protection and provision. This immune factor is the almighty power factor.
So, are you breast fed or bottle fed? Would you like to change milk? :)
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Susan @ 8:10 PM
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