Sunday, August 13, 2006
The prophetic school update
It's been 3 weeks now we had two meetings of prophetic schools at our house. This Friday day school(level 1) we had 35 adults and numerous kids, and it looks like it's still growing. So we're changing to a church hall. I'm a bit sad about the change but it's ok, the night school is still at our place at this stage.
It's amazing... people come from Taree(which is 3 hours drive),New Castle, inner city, northern beaches, Penrith...every week just for the meeting.
Our house is still ok for the adults, but on a rainy day it's crowded for the kids.
Funny this morning Peter told me he had a dream last night, and then Ellie had a dream,too. And their dreams were almost identical! Both dreamed to a certain point and then Kate woke them up.... This kind of makes me nervous....
As seen by
Susan @ 3:49 PM
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