I Confess (Blogger idol week 8)
For those of you who have been reading my blog for a while(although I doubt if there's any who has read all), you know that I have been relating my thoughts a lot on Moses' experiences, mostly in his last fourty years.
My confession now is I had a humble revelation today at Hillsong Women. I suddenly realised that I'm actually at the end of his first fourty years(if you know what that means). And now I'm just at the edge of the desert, wondering what to do. I sense the Lord's gentle voice speaking to me, "would you go?" For a while I was shattered, but then I found myself quite happily respond, "Yes Lord, I will."
I don't know how long it will take. But I know it's going to be a desert. .... Hot, dry, harsh, no prosperity, no miracles, no audience, no recognition, no friends, no ministry.... nothing's happening...... But I know what I WILL have: the Lord Himself.
I'm actually quite excited about this revelation. In a way I feel quite relieve:I don't have to strive any more. So for now, I'm going to simply put all my dreams, callings so to speak on the shelf and just forget all about them(isn't that easy!), until the Lord has finished with me in His desert.
I just want to experience Him, and nothing else.