Beautiful Day

    Saturday, February 07, 2004  

Weather Change

It's extremely hot these couple of days here in Sydney. Yesterday while picking the kids up from school the temperature indicated in my car was 46 degrees. Today I spent the whole afternoon in the swimming pool with the kids(my poor hubby is still working on the house), and tomorrow it looks like it could be as high as 48 degrees.
Reading in other blogs it almost makes me feel weird and unbelievable that right at this moment some people are in a freezing cold weather, 40 degrees on the other side of the zero! Another world? No, still the same world, just the other side.
It's funny about the weather. When it's sunny and beautiful, it's hard to think about pouring rain. And while in the midst of a miserable raining day, we tend to quickly forget what a sunny day feels like.
I think with our spiritual walk it's the same. Sometimes it's bright and sunny, everything looks promising and beautiful. But sometimes it's dark and pouring, everything feels depressing and miserable. But the truth is, it's not always gonna be sun shine, and we won't always have rain, either. Too much sunshine will cause a drought, and too much rain will bring up a flood. Sometimes sunshine, sometimes rain, then we'll have a harvest.
It's the same with other things we do in life. Sometimes everything goes smoothly and well, things are happening even without trying, but sometimes, every effort and attempt falls into vail, we just feel like bumping into walls wherever we go. And in these hard situations, we tend to forget that this "weather" won't last too long, it won't be like this forever! If you just hang in there, sooner or later the weather will change!
For me, I have been in a downpour of rain and thunder. But today, I start to feel the rain's calming down, and I can see the rainbow. And the new emerge of sunlight has brought me much joy.

    As seen by Susan @ 10:27 PM

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