Sunday, April 01, 2007
This week so far
It's been a very busy week. I was trying to keep things as normal as possible. Jamie's coping ok with chemo. She threw up quite a few times, and complained of tummy aches after she ate. Apart from hospital visits, she had been staying home. She's on steroids at the moment, so that helps her eat. Sometimes she'd wake up midnight craving for food. So it's actually quite funny to see her suddenly becoming chubby and with a round tummy. She might become quite big in a couple of weeks....but the weight will be lost soon after she stops the medication.
She went to hospital again on Thursday and had some blood transfusion, which made her feel a bit better. She looked quite pale and lethargic in the morning. She came home after 7pm.
Tomorrow (Monday)will be a big day for her at the hospital. She will need to do a bone marrow test and a few other treatment. She will need to go to hospital on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday next week.
I've been on a Daniel fast(and here) since last Thursday. So if you find me looking a bit slim..... don't be worried. I guess it's a good chance to lose all those baby weight. :)
As seen by
Susan @ 3:39 PM
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