Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Build the Channel
Build the channel
One thing that Donna Crouch kept talking about at Hillsong church is to build the channel. The blessing will come and flow out if the channel is built and ready. It clicked to me these few days how important it is in everything we do, especially in ministry.
I have been pretty slack in inviting people over for meals and fellowship. Well, I've got lots of excuses, like we're building house, the house is not ready, kids are always too busy doing all their lessons, I'm not good at cooking, I don't like cleaning, my baby's always so clinging to me,etc. The result is, the blessing is there, but there's no outlet to flow out. I have just started inviting people over again. And in the midst of it, I feel I'm actually building a channel. Meals and house are not spiritual, but when they're ready and available they can be such a channel of blessing. Everytime when I do invite people over, after they leave, I always feel happy and blessed.
Administration, preparation are all chores. They don't look spiritual at all. But when they're done property, they'll open the way for the spiritual. For a household, the house has to flourish first before the whole household can be spiritual.
As seen by
Susan @ 11:55 PM
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