Friday, August 27, 2004
Giving (Part 4) (view previous parts)
Atheletes train to be fit and to win. They excercise on purpose. Faith increases by excercise as well, and giving is a very good training ground. Training is not pleasant and fun all the time. At times it can be very painful. It requires a lot. But an Olympic winner don't just go to trainings with a passive attitute. "Oh, do I have to go through that again? Do I have to do it today?" No, they go to trainings with a hot passion. This passion will see them through all the ups and downs, through trials and tests, through tears and exhausion. There's no winner in the Olympics at all that has got no passion in their pursuit.
Giving is the same. God delights a cheerful giver, not a giver with grumpy, grudging attitute. A giver that's passionate wins God's heart. And this passion covers all the pain, loss and sacrifice that's involved. Without this passion we can't be sustained and devoted. The passion will become the strength and joy.
To be cheerful in giving is not an option. It's the vital part, and the winning component that simply cannot be missing.
As seen by
Susan @ 1:22 PM
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