Friday, May 14, 2004
On giving
On Giving
Giving is a very good place for excercising Faith.
It's exactly like excercising in physical sense. Sometimes we feel like having some excercises and we just start out having a big "lump sum" amount of excercise on the first day.Then our bodies feel overwhelmingly tired and exhausted and then we just give up the whole idea of excercising. And the result is, it doesn't do much good to our health, either. The kind of excercise that will work is starting out on a very practical, bearable amount of excercise, but to keep it up on a consistent basis. When our muscles are strengthened during the process and got built up, then we can just stretch our excercise amount little by little. We can't expect to be a faith giant overnight. Faith grows by excercising on a consistent basis.
Another thing about giving is we should always give as if to the Lord. Sometimes it's easier to give to a good cause, for a good reason, to some good ministries or persons. But it can be a trap down the track. We should always keep our focus solely to the Lord, and nothing else. Don't worry about how other people are spending the money we give, they have to give their account to the Lord one day, but that's really not our business. When our hearts are right before the Lord, He'll richly reward us.
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Susan @ 2:01 PM
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