Another village
"Mountains ended, waters finished, questioned, no way? Leaves dim, flowers bright, another village."
This is a word to word direct translation of a very famous old Chinese poem that has become a popular saying.
Sometimes we feel that everything around us has come to an end. We just want to say, "I want to give up". Look, there's no way out. There doesn't seem to be any hope. Nothing seems to work. It doesn't look like it's going to work. Come on, let's just give up.
I feel Moses must have had the same voices around him when he came to the red sea. The enemy's chasing behind him, and look at this big red sea! How can he get over this sea with so many women and children with him? No other ways. It seemed to be a very good place to give up. I can almost hear there're thousands of voices there shouting "let's just give up! Come on, Moses, have some comon sense."
Did he give up? No, he turned that point into a most glorious scene in history.
How many times do we come to a point where we hear the suggestions of "give up"?
But hey!!! One more step of faith this could be YOUR red sea experience. Would you dare to hang on just a bit longer?