Perspectives can have dramatic influences upon our lives. Different perspectives result in different attitudes, actions, and of course the outcomes. It can be the same thing that different people are involved in, but with the different perspectives they get completely different results.
When the 12 spies went out to see the promised land, 10 came back with the negative reports, only Joshua and Caleb saw it with Godly perspectives. And the result? Only the two went into the promised land. The other 10 perished in the desert land.
When the Lord present to us a new thing, whether it's a business or a ministry, sometimes the past experience, other people's opinions, the social influence, and especially our own inadequacies are all we're looking at, and it's so likely for us to neglect the quiet and gentle conviction that comes from the Spirit. It's so easy to see it with the world's eyes rather than the Lord's eyes. But remember, if all you see is the giants, the enemies, the negatives, you'll never be able to enter into the provision and blessings that the Lord has prepared for you. Only when you are bold enough to see that there's milk and honey flowing everywhere in the land, then can the Lord release His power to help you defeat your enemies and enter into your destiny.