Friday, September 05, 2008
The Word becomes flesh
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Gord was God...And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us..."(John 1:1.....14) Do you realise that the Word is still alive, and He's living in us? Do you hear Him? Do you prophesy? Do you have revelation? Do you know that there's a voice, a Word that speaks in you when your "ears" are turned on? Then that's Him. The Word in you, if you can hear, is the flesh of Jesus.
When you hear the word, I mean fresh rhema word, the whisper in your spirit, do you also feel a passion, a new heart in you as well? Well, that's the blood of Jesus, pumped into you by the air you breathe, which is the Holy Spirit, from the Father's heart. Can you feel Father's heart in you when you hear His Word? Blood always goes hand in hand with the air we breathe, which is to sustain the flesh.
Do you want Jesus to live in you? Then pay attention, He is! You have the flesh, the blood, and the air...... Are you living for Him, or in other words, let Him live in you, or are you crucifying Him, or walking away from Him? Are you responding to the word in you?
The Word is not black and white words as in Bible. It's not religious. He spoke when He created heaven and earth, He spoke at the times when the Bible was written, and He's still speaking. When you respond to this Word, you'll have the heart for it, and the power and presense of the Holy Spirit.
Yes, He's me! Isn't that awesome!
As seen by
Susan @ 1:23 PM
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