Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Creativity -- Bobbie Houston
In the mighty women of God series at Hillsong this month, Bobbie Houston brought out a fantastic message last Sunday about creativity. I've lost the notes so I can only talk about what it meant to me. It's like when the children are hungry, they come to you crying out, "I'm hungry!" well we can't just say, "now you go to the freezer and find something to eat. there're frozen chicken and raw rice out there somewhere and you just help yourself." for the children, the food on the kitchen shelf and freezer are not tangible, accessable for them, and we need to add our creativity to make up a meal that's suitable for them to meet their need. There're lots of hungry and needy people out there in the world, well all their needs can be met by the good news in the gospel, but somehow the good news is not tangible, accessible for them, they don't know how to apply them and use them to meet their need. Then we need to add our creativity to make the gospel acceptable to them in a way that they can identify and understand.
Bobbie said that nothing at Hillsong just happened by itself. It all "happened" because they planned, strategized, created and organized. Prov16:9 "The mind of man plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps." God gives us His calling, His directions, where we're going, but how we're gonna get there depends on our planning. Planning involves a lot of creativity. We're co-creators with God along the journey. We can rely on God for His inspirations, revelations, words, ideas, but we also need to be willing to join ourselves into His creativity. And when we do that, the messages that God wants us to bring becomes tangible and accessble to the people that He wants to reach.
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Susan @ 8:36 PM
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