Monday, September 13, 2004
I had a full and busy weekend. First, I went to a Women's conference at Dayspring Christian fellowship,(Mind, body and Spirit),Friday night and most Saturday, then I had a visitor at our house where we had a good time of eating and fellowship, Sunday morning I went to Hillsong church where Robert Fergusson preached a powerful, "just for me" kind of message, which it seemed that every word was directed at me, then Sunday night we went to a Bob Griffin's meeting at Liverpool. Bob is an extraordinary prophet, who has prophesied the exact date, location of the 911, the capture of Sadam Hussein, and the Florida hurricane,etc. He also set the prophetic foundation of the million salvation(Reinhard Bonke) in Nigeria. It was amazing.
I have been struggling for quite a while now about some directions in my life. And over the weekend God spoke to me loud and clear, and gave me some of the answers that I have been seeking. It was just an awesome weekend for me.
As seen by
Susan @ 2:10 PM
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